Monday, September 22, 2008

Traveling with Paul

At the 4th of July we went to a Charlotte Knights baseball game with our family. Here are Paul and my sister, Susanne.

Later, in August, I took Paul to the Daniel Stowe Botanical Gardens, he LOVED running under this fountain - I think I have pics of him doing this earlier in the summer, too - May 25th he's much more confident now!.....

And then Labor day, we went to the beach! Yes, we are both - THAT PALE!
Paul had fun, but didn't really think much of the water. We were at Kure Beach in NC, and also went to Fort Fisher. Here's a pic of Mark and Paul out on one of the walkways

Paul travelled really well in the car, no major fussing and not that difficult, so I felt confident that I could drive alone with him to visit my sister, Mary in New York City. Paul and I stopped in DC to visit with Beth and Julia.... We had a great visit, even though it was short!

Here we are in Julia's kitchen. Bets is wearing white, Julia's in the blue:

On Sunday, Mary, Miriam, Paul and I travelled up to CT. We saw Mubarra and Mohammed and their two kids, Zahara and Zayed.More coming... just have to organize pics and thoughts!


Friday, August 29, 2008

Paul in the Rain

We had some heavy rain this week, and to celbrate Paul went out and GOT WET!!
Paul and Teresa ran up and down the driveway at Teresa's house until they were SOAKED and didn't want to run any more!!! Amazing that they could finally run themselves out!


Friday, July 4, 2008

Mark and I have been married 6 years!

Here are some pics from our anniversary weekend in June - Enjoy!

Mark and I - a self portrait on the balcony of the apartment where we stayed.
Paul joined us for the next picture - he really wanted the camera!

Mark and Paul up on Grandfather Mtn.

Paul with a brown bear (or at least a small statue of one!)
Paul and I with the bear statue!

More soon!


We travelled to Beech Mtn, and visited Grandfather Mountain on our anniversary - it was a great day!

Paul, Mark and I enjoyed seeing an American Eagle and a Brown Bear.

The weather was perfect - not too hot or too cold!



Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Paul is 2!

OK, so technically, he's been 2 for a month now! He's all 2, all the time!

Paul - checking out a fountain at the Daniel Stowe Botanical Garden

In the back yard on his birthday!

Family at the botanical garden over Memorial Day Weekend
Paul at the botanical garden, enjoying one of the larger fountains...

OK, so technically, he's been 2 for a month now! He's all 2, all the time!



Here are a few new pics!



Monday, March 24, 2008

Easter Pics

Paul on Grandma's lap....
Paul at the door to the porch
Paul with Aunt Susan

Here's Paul at Grandma's house - he calls her 'Bama' (rhymes with Alabama) these days.. We had a very nice time together, hope your Easters were just as fun as ours!

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Talking on the phone

Paul and I had our first phone chat last night 3/5/08 - he was on Mark's cell phone with me on speaker..... he kept saying "Mama" and I would say "Yes, Paul, I am here" and he'd reply. "Mama!". It was quite funny. Then I started asking him about the book, 'Mr Brown Can Moo, Can You?'.... and Paul then went 'Moo, Cock a Doodle Do, and Meow!' I was asking him about cows, roosters and cats of course. Then he said "Mama!" again and I told him I was going to work and he repeated back to me "Work!"
We could have chatted all night, I think Paul was quite upset to have the conversation end.
He's getting bigger, smarter and chattier all the time - I started thinking about his vocabulary, and he has AT LEAST 50 words - counted by me on the way home from working overnight, so it might be a low estimate... And he's starting to associate pictures with real objects. Language is coming quickly.
Weight - somewhere around 30lbs
Walking - as if he was born on two feet!
Talking - more and more every day

More pictures to come

Friday, February 22, 2008

Paul is Walking!!!!!!!!!!! And other observations

So, I have a walking boy now! He is everywhere and all at once! About 3 weeks ago he just decided that walking was OK, and so he took off. He is getting less and less stiff about it. Still, he has a Frankenstein sort of appearance at times.

So, I have a walking boy now! He is everywhere and all at once! About 3 weeks ago he just decided that walking was OK, and so he took off. He is getting less and less stiff about it. Still, he has a Frankenstein sort of appearance at times.

Of course with walking comes spectactular falls, like the one he took last Saturday into the cabiet holding pots and pans.... methinks cabinet locks are in order.

And he loves chasing balls around - he is very funny with a large yoga/pilates ball he can walk in circles for what seems like hours.

Attached are a few pictures from the last couple of months - Christmas pictures with cousin Miriam, and some more recent ones of Paul

Note: Paul is wearing a hand knit original sweater made by my Aunt Mary - fit him perfectly for Christmas! I am inspired to start knitting boy things!

Here's an even better shot of Paul in the sweater

Here's Paul modeling the outfit that the Welsh family gave to Paul for Christmas....

The 'little duck boy' isn't so little any more......

This was the first bath! May 2006! Same towel, same boy.....
More soon,
