I have been having a debate with a dear friend of mine over time studies. Personal time studies.
Last spring (or maybe even last fall, I don't recall exactly when) I was charged (by Fr B.) to do a personal time study to figure out where my time was going. I was flummoxed by the process.
Really, the process is simple. Carry around a small notebook and pen/pencil and whenever a task changes, write down the time. Record what ACTUALLY happens. I attempted it, but rather than being a useful thing, I did it in quasi 20 minute intervals and I used my smartphone post-it note app to do the recording. There was way too much wiggle room and the recording was shoddy at best. I didn't learn much from the process. Other than I was frustrated by it, and I wasn't motivated to change anything.
Then I talked to Sandra.
She challenged me to do the same thing, only this time, carry around a paper and pen, and record it AS IT HAPPENS, not on an interval basis. And I told her of my earlier experience and lack of insight from it and she clued me in..... I was living with wasted time and I wasn't really doing anything about it. And that wasted time might in fact be what was draining me of the time I needed to get things done. By being un-conscious of how I was using my time, I was in fact being wasteful of its value..... By putting something off because it would take too much time, for example, I was spending time NOT doing what needed to be done and could (perhaps) be done rather quickly. I think this is probably a procrastinators' way of life, but that is another story for another day.
So, I picked up a notebook and started recording. Mind you, I haven't done the analysis yet. And Sandra challenged me to 1 day (24 hours). But after one day, I felt like the day I recorded wasn't 'typical' enough, so I recorded a second day. What I learned is that Sandra was right (and Fr B. was as well.... although Sandra is much more blunt.) There is time disappearing into the ethos that I hacven't been able to account for - when I get sucked into my computer, or my smart phone. Part of why the first attempt was unsuccessful was because it was being recorded electronically..... I need the physical demands of an actual object in my hand in order to become more time aware.
I also found that doing my own time study invoked the Hawthorne Effect. This effect is known to researchers who study human behavior - if the subject is aware of the study, he/she behaves differently. By becoming aware of having to record the activity, I had to choose if I wanted to DO the activity. I became accountable to myself. I chose to do the things I needed to do, not always the things I wanted to do. I chose to not engage in the electronic, mind numbing, quasi-addictive facebook checking at the point when I needed to be taking a shower and getting dressed and leaving the house on time. Sandra claims I cheated.
I claim insight and perhaps a small victory. The 48 hour time study changed my behavior for about one week. One week of less compulsive FB checking. One week of living in the present place and time, not the electronic one that so often sucks me in and consumes my freedom and my free time. The one that leaves me with a messy house because I didn't get up and MOVE away from the computer to get things done.
The other thing that happened was Fr B's admonition to not pick up the telephone, turn on the TV or do anything until after spending time in prayer, with the rosary. I have been generally successful for a week and a half. Today, I faltered, but I will pray during adoration at mid-day. I think it will be OK.
Is everything improved? No, but the problems are becoming more clearly identified, and thus easier to address.
The question becomes, what if everything is as it should be? It probably is. However, I know that if we are not evoloving and changing and learning from our current situations, we are not fully alive. So I refuse to remain stuck where I am.
Thanks Sandra and Fr B. for the patience and the insight. I am off to spend a day doing what needs to be done without fretting about it, without putting it off......