Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Day 2 - is this insanity or inspiration or both?

OK. So I have a plan. Sort of. And a pattern. In my head.
And I have fabric! After pulling out my entire stash - 3 good size boxes -
I realize that I have a large piece of fabric to be the back, and I have enough random other fabrics to make up the front. And my mom has decided to add some of her stash as well, so I am sure I have more than enough.

However, what I don't have is time - between now and July 6th, I have only 8 (maybe 10) free days. Is this crazy? Am I manic? Oh well. I guess I'll just have to work a little bit EVERY day and then work ALOT on my free days.

Will post a picture of the backing fabric soon.

Please keep me in your prayers for success.
Keep Katherine in your prayers for perserverence in her vocation.
Thanks in advance

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