Thursday, August 25, 2011

First Day - Postponed

Tomorrow was supposed to be the first day of school for Paul. And then last night happened. Vomit. Lots of vomit. Every sheet and blanket in my house was affected between 1:30 and 8am. I have had a quiet day of doing laundry, reading email, skype and television. We have remained vomit-free since 8:30, but I am unsure if I am ready to give Paul real food in real quantity for dinner.
As it is, I have restricted his intake to things I was willing to clean up on rejection. Cinnamon applesauce, toast.

In other news, there are invited Ants in my house! My DS gave Paul an Ant Habitat for his birthday. After putting off the inevitable as long as possible, we succomed to the pressure to order ants via mail. 25 harvester ants arrived in a test tube yesterday. This morning we moved them into their new home. Pretty amazing. Captivating actually if you find yourself sleep deprived and non-energetic.

And Hurricaine Irene is enroute for the east coast..... hoping we get some rain, not damage.

Morning prayer happened with a quiet persistence. Yesterday, not so much prayer - but 3 Hail Mary's as I walked into the hospital. It was a lovely day.

Paul's first day of school will be Monday.

Hoping we remain vomit free.

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