Friday, October 14, 2011


This morning, I went "running" for the first time in over a week. When you see me and the word 'running' in the same sentence, realize that it is more a mix of run for a few minutes, walk for a few minutes.... the eventual stated goal is to be able to run 5K without walking. Reality - it has been nearly a year of exrcise, and I am still walking far more than I am running. The good news? I am moving more often than I am sitting still.

One of my favorite blogs / internet personalities is "The Flylady" ( She was a great help for me when I went through nursing school because I learned how to make routines work for me.

One of the Flylady's expressions is "You are Not Behind, just jump in where you are." True enough. The Epiphany I had today, while I was out walking/running was that when I stop doing something - whether it is housework, exercise, correspondence, writing, knitting etc... when I jump back in, I might be right where I left off (ie knitting doesn't unknit or keep knitting without me) but I might be entering in at a point different from where I left off. Think of a merry go round - if you jump off and then try to get back on, you won't get on at the same point. But the point is, you get back on. The fun is in the spinning, the holding on, it's NOT in being in exactly the same point all the time.
So what does this mean? I've jumped off (or at least slowed down) the merry go round that is my domestic life. It's time to run and jump back on. And yes, it is work to get the merry go round spinning, but that's part of the fun!

Special thanks this week to Mark, Paul, Fr Benjamin, Bonnie, Mary and Sandra. Your insights, patience and love keep me running to catch the merry-go-round.

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