Thursday, February 23, 2012

Lenten reality

Last year, I (thought I) gave up complaining about housework. In reality, I gave up housework!

Why would I do such a thing? Because I was working on earning the worlds greatest martyr badge! In honesty I did not give up housework for the whole year, and I did struggle and wrestle with my responsibility.

Through prayer and spiritual direction, I came to understand that housework is an alter of sacrifice. There are many alters in our lives where God calls us to give Him the best of ourselves. The challenge is to recognize them and then to be willing to make the sacrifice that is called for.

Making a sacrifice does not entail becoming a doormat. It requires one to see what needs to be done, recognize the call to do it and answer the call. As a wife and mother, my alters are many - taking care of my husband and taking care of child are the big ones..... these include many other smaller tasks such as laundry, cooking healthy food, washing dishes, keeping a neat house, helping with homework, reading stories, driving the car to/from sports, school and other events.... If this is service done in love for my family, I win stars for my crown. If I complain and make life miserable I do not win stars, I create my own purgatory or perhaps even a living hell.

At this moment I can choose heaven or hell.... by my actions and words, I can create heaven or hell for the people around me, especially my family.

So for lent, I am giving up facebook on my phone and complaining.... I am not giving up housework or cooking. I am embracing my responsibility as a wife and mother because I love my family and I love that God gifted me with the blessing of these people around me. I pray that I will be given the grace to enjoy the journey.

I am also reading Henri Nouwen's book - The Return of the Prodigal Son.

For dinner tonight -

Chili and corn bread

Chili is made with canned kidney beans, canned tomatoes and ground beef. Very easy... I'll write directions out at some other point, but mostly it is just a thrown together dinner.


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