Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Catholic Disney Land?

My dear friend Sandra is visiting Catholic Disney Land - AKA the Vatican today! I am so intensely jealous..... But I am also excited because she is meeting my friend Fr Benjamin who is there for a conference on ecumenism. I am excited for them to meet because I always enjoy when my friends become friends.

Today is HOT - expected to be in the mid 90's with high humidity to boot. I made it out on a run (couch to 5K - week3) and reversed the direction of my run - ended up feeling like I spent more time running up hill. I know it was an illusion, but still. I begin to realize how older people walked uphill both ways to school!

Also, this weekend past, I went on a handwork retreat. I spun some wool yarn, I worked on a tapestry that I started in January, and I knit some more on the purple scarf/shawl for Tracey. Now dealing with a flare up of tendonitis, but mostly I am OK.

Paul has had a bit of a bug - suspected strep throat, but so far, no confirmation, and he seems to be perking up.

First 5K race is on Friday! Hooray! I just hope I don't have a terrible time....


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