I cannot pretend to understand what men think..... although I would like to. I have realized though that I have a disconnect between my perception and reality when it comes to video games / media.
I am jealous of Zelda, the warrior princess, for taking my husband's time and attention away from me. I might even go so far as to look at it as almost an emotional affair.....
My dh is thrilled to have me and Paul in the same room, looking a the same screen, working together to solve the same problem.
I want to have something to 'show' for my time.
My husband wants to have time to spend with the ones he loves, no need to show anything for it, just be.
I don't fret about time spent on skype / facebook / the phone because I feel like I am working at maintaining friendships.
Where do I strike the balance between electronic friendships and the physical work and world that is my personal environment? Does one carry a priority over the other? Absolutely. The physical world - my home, my immediate family are the first charge. Does my action reflect that?
Does my home environment and my home relationship always warrant first priority or am I placing more value on things happening outside the home, on the internet, at work?
Where do I fit. How do I balance it out? We are in a media rich envrionment, there is no escape from it. How do I fully function within it?
All I know is that my carpet STILL isn't clean, and I have a T-ball game in 30 minutes...... the one hour phone call was alot more fun - emotionally I feel great. Physically, I need to move. How do I unite emotional with the physical?
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