Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy Independence!

Today, we celebrate Independence Day. I thought I would write about what I am thankful for, but it felt like trite, already been said stuff.

So Happy Birthday USA.

And here is a random list of things I am thankful for, probably trite, but oh well.

1. Freedom to work, or not. And to choose my employment

2. Freedom to have a family, or not. And the joy that comes from being willing to have a family and follow my conscience.

3. A Beautiful country

4. A roof over my head and food on my table

5. The ability to blog, or not, and not be censored by anyone other than myself

6. The freedom to worship God as I choose and to congregate publicly.

And so, I am thankful that our founding fathers designed a country and a constitution that has withstood 235 years of testing. Thank you to all those who have fought to create and defend our country and constitution.

May we always have the nerve and fortitude to defend our country, our freedoms and our constitution.

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