There is joy in the readings this day! These readings give me great cause for Joy because I see their reality in my life and the lives of my friends around me. In the first reading from Wisdom, we read, " Your might is the source of justice, your mastery of all things makes you lenient to all." And This week, I have seen it with my own eyes. My friend, Sandra, has been through a conversion experience that is a testimony to this reading. She has experienced the lenience and forgiveness of God in such a real way that even her appearance was altered. It is such an amazing thing, but really if I could have taken before and after pictures of her I believe there would be a visible difference. The reading ends with, " you give your children good grounds for hope that you would permit repentace for their sins." And I have seen it! I have hope. I have joy. Because there is a loving God who not only permits forgiveness for our sins, but who pursues us and seeks us out so that we would not be lost.
Psalm 86 also spoke to me of this week. It was an echo of my hymn of rejoicing all week. I am so very thankful that I am in love with a God who is good and forgiving. A God who is abounding in kindness to all who call upon Him. I prayed this week, and my prayers were answered. My sister Mary and I have prayed for probably 3 or 4 years for our friend Sandra, and our prayers were answered this week. We have seen the great and marvelous deeds of God, present in our midst.
And then the third reading gives me further comfort and hope for Sandra because as she is returned to the faith, she is still learning to stand on her own two feet spiritually. She is still learning how to pray, even elementary prayers that will lead into a deeper relationship with God. And like all of us, as we are learning, the Holy Spirit works within us, guiding us toward God. All of us are there at some point ..... relying on the Holy Spirit to intercede for us when we are so very burdened or overwhelmed that we don't know what to say or do. What a great gift we have.
So I was at the vigil mass this evening, holding a sleeping Paul on my lap. He fell asleep in the car enroute to mass and I didn't have the heart to wake him up. Is it crazy to work hard to keep him awake if he is awake when we get to church, but to leave him sleeping if he arrives to church asleep? I am unsure. But that is what happened this evening. It is easier to listen and pay attention if he is asleep. Of course I believe as he gets older (and presumably quieter) it will be easier. As it is now, if he walks into church under his own steam, I do not let him lay down or sleep until AFTER mass, regardless of the struggle involved in keeping him awake.
The readings reinforced the joy that I have had this week. And after mass was over, I took my own advice and stayed in the church to offer a prayer of thanksgiving. I only meant to stay a moment, but by the time I felt like I had said enough thanks (is that ever a reality, enough thanks?) the church was nearly empty. And then I met the visiting priest, Fr Dominic and promised to pray for him, and finally left the church - there was no wait to get out of the parking lot - the lot was nearly empty already!
We ate a lovely dinner out.
I you have read this far, I would ask you to pray for me and my household.....
We ended up planted in front of the TV, playing a Wii video game. Actually my dh was playing the game and Paul and I were watching, directing traffic on the game. I have no problem with the game, I have a problem with the amount of time spent playing the game when other things in the house are not already done, such as laundry, vacuuming and cleaning in general. It makes me angry. I am open to suggestions on how to fix / change this situation.
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