Friday, October 14, 2011


This morning, I went "running" for the first time in over a week. When you see me and the word 'running' in the same sentence, realize that it is more a mix of run for a few minutes, walk for a few minutes.... the eventual stated goal is to be able to run 5K without walking. Reality - it has been nearly a year of exrcise, and I am still walking far more than I am running. The good news? I am moving more often than I am sitting still.

One of my favorite blogs / internet personalities is "The Flylady" ( She was a great help for me when I went through nursing school because I learned how to make routines work for me.

One of the Flylady's expressions is "You are Not Behind, just jump in where you are." True enough. The Epiphany I had today, while I was out walking/running was that when I stop doing something - whether it is housework, exercise, correspondence, writing, knitting etc... when I jump back in, I might be right where I left off (ie knitting doesn't unknit or keep knitting without me) but I might be entering in at a point different from where I left off. Think of a merry go round - if you jump off and then try to get back on, you won't get on at the same point. But the point is, you get back on. The fun is in the spinning, the holding on, it's NOT in being in exactly the same point all the time.
So what does this mean? I've jumped off (or at least slowed down) the merry go round that is my domestic life. It's time to run and jump back on. And yes, it is work to get the merry go round spinning, but that's part of the fun!

Special thanks this week to Mark, Paul, Fr Benjamin, Bonnie, Mary and Sandra. Your insights, patience and love keep me running to catch the merry-go-round.

Friday, August 26, 2011

New Day, New Perspective

Amazing what going to bed and to sleep before 10pm can do for a person!

This morning I got Paul out of bed at 6:30, he promptly went back to sleep in my bed and I went through the morning readings and prayers.

Praying for New York and hurricaine Irene not to hurt my family in the Bronx.

Praying for continued vomit free days for Paul

Thursday, August 25, 2011

First Day - Postponed

Tomorrow was supposed to be the first day of school for Paul. And then last night happened. Vomit. Lots of vomit. Every sheet and blanket in my house was affected between 1:30 and 8am. I have had a quiet day of doing laundry, reading email, skype and television. We have remained vomit-free since 8:30, but I am unsure if I am ready to give Paul real food in real quantity for dinner.
As it is, I have restricted his intake to things I was willing to clean up on rejection. Cinnamon applesauce, toast.

In other news, there are invited Ants in my house! My DS gave Paul an Ant Habitat for his birthday. After putting off the inevitable as long as possible, we succomed to the pressure to order ants via mail. 25 harvester ants arrived in a test tube yesterday. This morning we moved them into their new home. Pretty amazing. Captivating actually if you find yourself sleep deprived and non-energetic.

And Hurricaine Irene is enroute for the east coast..... hoping we get some rain, not damage.

Morning prayer happened with a quiet persistence. Yesterday, not so much prayer - but 3 Hail Mary's as I walked into the hospital. It was a lovely day.

Paul's first day of school will be Monday.

Hoping we remain vomit free.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

And now, back to our regularly scheduled programming.

July was a busy month. The Grove Park Inn was wonderful and the time away for Mark and I was really what we needed to reconnect with each other. It was great to meet the "work family" that Mark is a part of, and to get to know other wives within the organization. To know that I share a reality / lifestyle with others was somehow very comforting.

Immediately following (actually overlapping) our weekend at GPI, family was in town for a summer visit. Mary, John, Miriam, Cyprian and Kate were all down from New York. We met up at the Discovery Place Kids Museum. Paul, Miriam and Cyprian all had a grand time. The whole family gathered at my parents home on Sunday evening for dinner. There were 12 people around the table! Mary had baked me a carrot cake as an un-birthday present (yum!).

On Monday we went to Monkey Joe's with the kids. It was also fun, in a non-educational sort of way. It was sensory overload and although the staff was present physically, they weren't nearly as interactive as I would hope. Minimal referee activity. Definately challenging with a toddler who wanted to join the big kids and big kids who didn't care about small child safety.

Tuesday, Mary and I dropped the kids off at Clemmie's for a mom's day out. We ate lunch together - sushi - our favorite! And we went shopping for school supplies for Paul, and then clothing shopping for ourselves. Meanwhile, our house had a new roof applied. The workers arrived at 7am, Mark came home at 7:30 or 8ish with biscuits for the workers and a few more parts that were needed to start the work. It was pretty incredible - by 10am the guys on the roof - there were at least 7, perhaps 8? - had removed all the shingles and started in on application of the new roof. By 6pm our roof was done, by 9pm, the giant container of rubbish had been hauled out of our driveway. It was incredible.

On Wednesday, the entire family drove down to Myrtle Beach, SC. We stayed in 3 hotel rooms at Monterrey Bay Resort. I definately prefer the resort during off season. Peak summer season was a bit too zoo-ish for me, but we still had a good time. Kate stayed with Mark, Paul and I. It was so good to have quiet down time with Kate to talk. Kate and I sat out on the balcony both nights and chatted about life, the world and everything that is happening for us right now. No problems solved, but certainly better understanding of position was gained.

The beach was awesome. Water was cool and clear and mostly calm. Calm enough that we got Paul out into the water. It was the first time we had all been in the water together. It was hot on the beach but we rented an umbrulla and mom and dad had a sun umbrulla that we set up and we all had at least a sliver of shade. No sunburns to speak of - hooray! And afternoon naps were enjoyed by many of our party.

Saturday, we all scattered. The Welsh's headed back north - driving from Myrtle Beach up to Washington DC to visit a friend. The Johnsons and Kate went to a sculpture garden in Myrtle Beach before returning to the greater Charlotte area. Kate left for NY via airplane on Sunday late morning. Mom and Dad drove home on their own, and we Mundays went to play a round of minature golf and go on the giant Ferris Wheel (aka The Sky Wheel) before driving home to Gastonia. We stopped for dinner enroute. We were lazy bums when we got home. Although we did rescue the dog from the kennel on Sunday and went back to pay the bill on Wednesday.

Sunday was mass at 11:30 and a quiet day together.

Monday was a return to ordinary life with all of its attendant busy-ness. Mark and I both had to work, Paul was at Clemmie's.
Tuesday was the longest day of my life at work to date - 15 hours! And 15 couplets seen.

Since then, days have been much slower - I don't think I have worked except for teaching two breastfeeding classes, & witnessing a radiation drill. I've been home. Enjoying these last halcyon days of early childhood with Paul.

Trying to get Paul adjusted into an earlier wake-up routine so that he can be up, dressed, fed and out of the house to school before 8am. He is not an early riser by nature. So this two weeks is good practice. Monday he was up at 6:30 and into my bed where we promptly went back to sleep - until 8:30.
Tuesday we got up, had a friend over and then I drove the three of us to the zoo.
Today - we started waking up at 6:30, but I didn't get him out of bed until 7:20.... at least we are getting up. I've ended up spending the morning on the computer.... writing and skyping with my dear friend, Sandra.

While the vacation was short, and the visit with Mary much too short, it was overall good.

The downside to all of this is that my morning routine has gone to chowdy howder. (read: hell in a handbasket). The routine is changing because I am now looking to get Paul up in the morning as opposed to letting him sleep in the morning. Big change. Before we were preparing for school, I could get up, get Mark out, read the day's mass readings (scripture passages), pray and then either go back to sleep or get up (my choice). And usually, I went back to sleep, waiting for Paul to come climb into bed and snuggle to get my day started. We have started off nearly every day that way since he was an infant. He would wake up, I would go get him. When he moved out of the crib, he would wake up and come join me and we would snuggle in my bed and talk about the start of the day - what the days plans would be etc.... Work days, I would get up, get myself together and take a sleeping child to the babysitter where his day would get underway without me. Or Mark would take him if I had worked overnight.

In February, I had started the prayer routine. So yes, in the great scheme of routines, this was a relatively new one. Previously, my prayer life was much more haphazard.

Now, I need to figure this out. How / Where do I incorporate prayer into my morning routine? Do I get up and read the day's readings while Mark is in the shower and then get moving? (Perhaps the easiest thing) Do I wait until Paul is off to school and I have a quiet house to myself? (Will I ever really get to it?!?) I know it is important. I know I see a difference in my life and actions on days when I do read scriptures and pray versus days when I do not.

All I know is that for the last two weeks, my morning routine has been anything but routine. I have managed to go running 3 days/week. Usually before 10am. A couple of times I have found that I read the readings and then ended up remembering that I needed to pray while I was running, so I prayed then. Not the most peaceful way to pray, but definately productive. And it wasn't particularly quiet since I had the ipod blathering away about whatever I was supposed to be doing on the Cto5K training program.....

I keep thinking I should be gentle about this transition. But then I think I am confusing 'gentle' with 'spiritual pushover'.

Am I passively aggressivly trying to get God to listen to me by not talking to Him? That doesn't make any sense.

Am I grieving the last days of Paul's early childhood even though he isn't dying he is going to Kindergarden?!? Probably. He will still be my little boy, (who isn't that little) I just have to share him with others. Daily. And no, I will not be one of those weepy, clingly mothers at school! I am not that.

Am I embracing the reality of my small family being my whole family? As well as I can. The Holy Family only had three members. Can I help my family to be holy? Can I embrace my role as wife/mother fully? It is a daily struggle. Which leads me back to how to incorporate prayer into my daily life. Period. It MUST become the foundation for the rest of the day to be built upon.

So there is the update.

I suppose I should post pictures of Paul, his friend Landon and I at the zoo yesteday. We really did enjoy our day at the Riverbanks zoo. Fed Giraffes, lorakeets and goats. touched rabbits, opossums, monitor lizards. Rode carosel, train and tram. Ran all over everywhere. It was a fun, hot day.

Must go - it is now 12:20, I am still in pajamas, I haven't prayed or run or anything today. Must pray, take care of ADL's (shower, get dressed etc...) make a grocery list, do laundry and make the most of my day as it stands.

Prayers welcome.

Monday, July 25, 2011

A relaxing weekend

Mark and I had the pleasure of attending the Best Manager's Meeting this past weekend at the Grove Park Inn (GPI). I cannot really describe how wonderful the weekend was, for many different reasons.
Paul stayed with family friends, the Coles. Paul is good friends with the kids, I am close to Kathleen and Nick.
Our house was cleaned in preparation for Mary, John and the kids visiting. Mark and I left at about 2 on Thursday, the Welsh's arrived at 4pm.
Mark and I got to the GPI around 4pm. From the moment we arrived, it was clear that this was a different kind of resort. The staff was very friendly, including the parking / bellhop / Valet service at the front. Our luggage made it to our room before we did - I got lost looking for the elevator. I didn't realize that it was a very small elevator built into the side of the fireplace!
One of my friends described it as a Harry Potter sort of elevator - and I think the description is very clever.
The Inn has a 'turn down service' nightly to turn down the blankets on the bed to prepare for sleep. When they do this, they also trade out any used towels. Amazing. We had fresh towels at least twice a day!
Mark and I were able to concentrate on being adults, alone on a romantic weekend. Every need we had was met by the hotel. Needs were anticipated before we could even give them voice.
The dinner Thursday was out on a deck - beautiful views, amazing food. I met many of the managers that Mark works with, and some of the men that he reports to as well.
After dinner we went to a dueling piano bar..... it was fun, the piano players were amazing.

More soon

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Changing Perspectives......

I cannot pretend to understand what men think..... although I would like to. I have realized though that I have a disconnect between my perception and reality when it comes to video games / media.

I am jealous of Zelda, the warrior princess, for taking my husband's time and attention away from me. I might even go so far as to look at it as almost an emotional affair.....
My dh is thrilled to have me and Paul in the same room, looking a the same screen, working together to solve the same problem.

I want to have something to 'show' for my time.

My husband wants to have time to spend with the ones he loves, no need to show anything for it, just be.

I don't fret about time spent on skype / facebook / the phone because I feel like I am working at maintaining friendships.

Where do I strike the balance between electronic friendships and the physical work and world that is my personal environment? Does one carry a priority over the other? Absolutely. The physical world - my home, my immediate family are the first charge. Does my action reflect that?

Does my home environment and my home relationship always warrant first priority or am I placing more value on things happening outside the home, on the internet, at work?

Where do I fit. How do I balance it out? We are in a media rich envrionment, there is no escape from it. How do I fully function within it?

All I know is that my carpet STILL isn't clean, and I have a T-ball game in 30 minutes...... the one hour phone call was alot more fun - emotionally I feel great. Physically, I need to move. How do I unite emotional with the physical?

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Sleep therapy?

I took a long nap this afternoon..... thinking I would be going to work overnight. I got called off. So now I am feeling well rested and refreshed, I've eaten breakfast for dinner (cereal with blueberries, milk & orange juice).... and I am NOT going to work.

I hope to get some more housework taken care of this evening and tomorrow to finish everything off. My attitude has shifted with sleep. I am not angry any more. I am resolved that what needs to be done needs to be done, and if it is my job to do it, then I am going to do it. No complaints, no grumbling.

Hopefully I can smooth things out emotionally within the house as easily. I know Paul will be happy to stay home tomorrow.

Such is life.

Running and anger...

Well, being angry does nothing for running. However, running does help dissipate anger. If I can just get through it and resolve my issues, I'll be in great shape - interior and exterior!

Week 4 - run 1: kicked my behind. Run 4 minutes, walk 1. Not so much. More like Run 4 minutes, walk 1, run 3 minutes, walk 2, run 1 walk 1 run 1 walk 1 run some more, walk a bit and then it was over.... no real pattern.

More later. Must sleep.

What does it come to?

A quote from Fr Joe McNamara comes to my mind, "Some things are interesting, others are important."

What is interesting in my house?
TV: British Open Golf, Tour deFrance, Baseball, Loony Toons
Computers: Social Media of many varieties, Games: PBSKids, NickJr, Yahoo.....
Video Games: Zelda, Star Wars, Wii games of any variety that appeal to the male variety.... and that they can then pull me into..... either to compete against them or to help them solve problems on screen.
Being creative

What is important?
A clean house
Food on the table
Clean clothes
Reading (for fun and education)
Conversation that doesn't revolve around videogames or television
Being active

What has happened?
I feel as if the interesting things have eclipsed the important things on the priority list. I work part time in order to be able to take care of the important things, but I am so overwhelmed by the enormity of it that I am unable to fulfill my own expectations. Yet, when I look to my family, we have ALL gone down the interesting path to such a degree that they are unwilling / unable to re-order priorities and align themselves with me. At what point do I throw up my hands and run out screaming?

I use work as an excuse to not cook, to not clean, to not do laundry. And I accept it as an excuse from Mark. Except when there is laundry to be done and then I find myself angry that I am the one who has to do it. He works 50-60 hours per week..... why should he have to do laundry? I work outside the house 5-40 hours per week - completely variable. Why shouldn't I arrange my work outside the house around the work within the house? What is MY priority? Aargh! And so I come back to the question: what is interesting, what is important? How do I get a balance in the reality of my life? How do I set priorities? How do I turn off the computer, phone, TV and get things done? How do I use media to really make me more productive?

Is it unrealistic of me to expect to have a conversation or interaction with my dh or ds that does not revolve around a video game or or sporting event? Should they expect me NOT to talk about what happened to day via Skpye or FB? Is the integration of social media/television into our daily reality a distortion or enhancement of what reality is?

All I know is that I am in a struggle to grasp reality and not throttle anyone around me as I grasp it!

I hope I can find myself in a happier place soon.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Joy, Joy, Joy!

There is joy in the readings this day! These readings give me great cause for Joy because I see their reality in my life and the lives of my friends around me. In the first reading from Wisdom, we read, " Your might is the source of justice, your mastery of all things makes you lenient to all." And This week, I have seen it with my own eyes. My friend, Sandra, has been through a conversion experience that is a testimony to this reading. She has experienced the lenience and forgiveness of God in such a real way that even her appearance was altered. It is such an amazing thing, but really if I could have taken before and after pictures of her I believe there would be a visible difference. The reading ends with, " you give your children good grounds for hope that you would permit repentace for their sins." And I have seen it! I have hope. I have joy. Because there is a loving God who not only permits forgiveness for our sins, but who pursues us and seeks us out so that we would not be lost.

Psalm 86 also spoke to me of this week. It was an echo of my hymn of rejoicing all week. I am so very thankful that I am in love with a God who is good and forgiving. A God who is abounding in kindness to all who call upon Him. I prayed this week, and my prayers were answered. My sister Mary and I have prayed for probably 3 or 4 years for our friend Sandra, and our prayers were answered this week. We have seen the great and marvelous deeds of God, present in our midst.

And then the third reading gives me further comfort and hope for Sandra because as she is returned to the faith, she is still learning to stand on her own two feet spiritually. She is still learning how to pray, even elementary prayers that will lead into a deeper relationship with God. And like all of us, as we are learning, the Holy Spirit works within us, guiding us toward God. All of us are there at some point ..... relying on the Holy Spirit to intercede for us when we are so very burdened or overwhelmed that we don't know what to say or do. What a great gift we have.

So I was at the vigil mass this evening, holding a sleeping Paul on my lap. He fell asleep in the car enroute to mass and I didn't have the heart to wake him up. Is it crazy to work hard to keep him awake if he is awake when we get to church, but to leave him sleeping if he arrives to church asleep? I am unsure. But that is what happened this evening. It is easier to listen and pay attention if he is asleep. Of course I believe as he gets older (and presumably quieter) it will be easier. As it is now, if he walks into church under his own steam, I do not let him lay down or sleep until AFTER mass, regardless of the struggle involved in keeping him awake.

The readings reinforced the joy that I have had this week. And after mass was over, I took my own advice and stayed in the church to offer a prayer of thanksgiving. I only meant to stay a moment, but by the time I felt like I had said enough thanks (is that ever a reality, enough thanks?) the church was nearly empty. And then I met the visiting priest, Fr Dominic and promised to pray for him, and finally left the church - there was no wait to get out of the parking lot - the lot was nearly empty already!

We ate a lovely dinner out.

I you have read this far, I would ask you to pray for me and my household.....
We ended up planted in front of the TV, playing a Wii video game. Actually my dh was playing the game and Paul and I were watching, directing traffic on the game. I have no problem with the game, I have a problem with the amount of time spent playing the game when other things in the house are not already done, such as laundry, vacuuming and cleaning in general. It makes me angry. I am open to suggestions on how to fix / change this situation.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Rejoicing (and avoiding housework) all at once

Today, I SHOULD be cleaning my house in preparation for my sister Mary's arrival. It is the last full, uninterrupted day that I have until she gets here. Instead I am busy rejoicing with my dear friend Sandra. I know I should be rejoicing AND cleaning, but I just want to sit and talk with Sandra.

So between now and Thursday, I have to turn the room of chaos into a welcoming guest room. I have to clean the bathrooms, clear the kitchen table, straighten out Paul's dresser, excavate the green chair and clean all the floors/carpets in the house. I think I can get most of it done this afternoon, if I just get up from the computer. Oh, and I have to go to the grocery store to be able to fix and eat dinner before a T-ball game at 7pm.

Why am I rejoicing?

It's a long story.

Sandra and I have been friends since the fall of 1988. At Easter in 1993 or maybe '94, Sandra was recieved into the Catholic church, and I was her sponsor. We have remained close friends over these many years, and even though we go for long periods of time without talking regularly, whenever we do talk, we just pick up where we left off, as if there were no time lapse.

Sandra is living outside of Naples, Italy. Her husband is stationed there with the US Navy.

I also have a dear friend who is a priest, Fr Benjamin Roberts. Fr Benjamin is in Rome for a continuing education experience on Ecumenism and the Catholic Church.
When I realized Fr Benjamin was going to Italy, and that Sandra was also in Italy, I suggested a meeting. Fortunately, it worked itself out and Fr Benjamin and Sandra were able to meet for lunch and discussion yesterday afternoon. They 'clicked' nicely - I knew they would. Sandra is, as my sister Mary says, "A mixer - she can go anywhere", and Fr Benjamin is a wonderful priest. I knew that they would get along well. After an afternoon of eating, shopping for holy items (a crucifix, holy cards, medals etc...) and discussing life, the world and everything, Fr Benjamin heard Sandra's confession! Hooray! This is exactly what I had prayed would happen.

I did not tell either person that this was my hope. I knew they would be fine socially, and I didn't want to place any pressure on either party for confession to happen. But I prayed that it would happen. And yesterday (Wednesday) when I was out running at 9am, it came upon me to fervently pray RIGHT THEN that Sandra would avail herself of the sacrament and that Fr Benjamin would offer to hear her confession and that Sandra would say yes.... It was a fervent prayer for about five minutes, perhaps more, and then I was calm and I kept running and praying for Sandra, for Fr Benjamin and for myself that I would get home safely from my run. It was hot. And then I felt a peace and joy descend over me. I came home and checked my emaiil / skype account almost fanatically until I heard from Sandra. And sure enough, confession happened.

The change in Sandra is almost tangible. When we finally did get on the computer to skype last night, she was practically radiant. The joy of her salvation has been restored. Thank God. I have my friend restored back to spiritual health, and on a path to spiritual wellness again. I cannot begin to express the joy that this brings me, and Sandra is over the moon with joy!

And so, today, instead of being active around the house, I have been on the computer - talking to Sandra via skype. And smiling from ear to ear. And thinking how wonderful to have two such good friends - a good and holy priest and a dear friend from college. And now, they are friends, too. And we are all on this spiritual journey together and we are never alone. God calls to us and comes for us, even when we least expect it, least deserve it. We are loved. And on this day, God's love is tangible - words of absolution, spoken in person, time spent in the company of a real person who listens and is compassionate. Truly, today I have been blest.

If I can harness this joy into action - I may never have a messy house again..... alas, I haven't figured that out yet. So I must sign off. Join me in rejoicing though.

A sheep was lost and the shepherd heard and rescued the sheep. A coin was lost and a lamp was lit, the floors swept and the coin found. It is truly an Amazing Grace, and I am rejoicing to have been even a tiny part in in the play.

God is so very good.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Catholic Disney Land?

My dear friend Sandra is visiting Catholic Disney Land - AKA the Vatican today! I am so intensely jealous..... But I am also excited because she is meeting my friend Fr Benjamin who is there for a conference on ecumenism. I am excited for them to meet because I always enjoy when my friends become friends.

Today is HOT - expected to be in the mid 90's with high humidity to boot. I made it out on a run (couch to 5K - week3) and reversed the direction of my run - ended up feeling like I spent more time running up hill. I know it was an illusion, but still. I begin to realize how older people walked uphill both ways to school!

Also, this weekend past, I went on a handwork retreat. I spun some wool yarn, I worked on a tapestry that I started in January, and I knit some more on the purple scarf/shawl for Tracey. Now dealing with a flare up of tendonitis, but mostly I am OK.

Paul has had a bit of a bug - suspected strep throat, but so far, no confirmation, and he seems to be perking up.

First 5K race is on Friday! Hooray! I just hope I don't have a terrible time....


Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy Independence!

Today, we celebrate Independence Day. I thought I would write about what I am thankful for, but it felt like trite, already been said stuff.

So Happy Birthday USA.

And here is a random list of things I am thankful for, probably trite, but oh well.

1. Freedom to work, or not. And to choose my employment

2. Freedom to have a family, or not. And the joy that comes from being willing to have a family and follow my conscience.

3. A Beautiful country

4. A roof over my head and food on my table

5. The ability to blog, or not, and not be censored by anyone other than myself

6. The freedom to worship God as I choose and to congregate publicly.

And so, I am thankful that our founding fathers designed a country and a constitution that has withstood 235 years of testing. Thank you to all those who have fought to create and defend our country and constitution.

May we always have the nerve and fortitude to defend our country, our freedoms and our constitution.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

More Halcyon Days

Today was spent having fun. Not that we don't have fun every day, but this day was particularly fun. Paul and I got up a little late (8am) and as soon as we had eaten breakfast we put on swimsuits and packed up and headed out to Waxhaw to visit our good family friends, the Coles. We had a super time visiting. Paul is good friends with the two older kids, Teresa and Daniel and I am good friends with Kathleen. So moms talked to moms and kids played with kids. It was so nice to be able to let Paul be free with the other two kids and not have to worry about what would happen next.

The Coles' neighborhood has a pool, so we took full advantage of slightly cooler (or at least lower humidity) to go swimming together. Teresa is definately the most confident in the water. Paul seems to have forgotten everything about a school year's worth of swim lessons. I think being in an outdoor pool without a life jacket or float support just leaves him baffled. Once he had a swim noodle to hang on to, he was a lot more comfortable in the water. I just wish I could count on him to tread water without panicing. At least I know I can't trust that to happen yet, so I am hyper-vigilant with him in the pool.

After lunch, we made ice cream in zip lock bags.... soft serve, easy to do. And interesting discovery / experiment - if you buy flavored coffee creamer (real dairy, not non-dairy) - you can make flavored ice cream! It's probably not the cheapest option, but it is delicious!

Also discovered that fruit smoothies when there is extra, can go into a popsicle mold to be eaten later as a frozen treat.... Note to self: frozen fruit should be used quickly - being left in the freezer for a year leads to freezer burn. Oh well, its used now and I'll know to be more careful about using it quickly next time.

Have to get a schedule together for getting the house in order before July 21. Mary, John and the kids are coming - my house is the staging ground. I think I can have a neat house before they come. I think I can, I think I can.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Not today, really...

I hit the wall. Week 4, run 1: Run 4 min, walk 1 min, repeat for a total of five cycles....

I don't want to run. I didn't drink enough water yesterday and today my body is screaming at me to not run.... must fix this before I run again.

I attempted the run - made it through warm up and two run cycles before my body revolted and my mind listened.

Will attempt running again later this week.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Week 3, Run 2

I am still running..... and getting better at it. This week I ran the last run of week 2 on Sunday, then it was Thursday before week 3, run 1, and today I was put on low census (ie no babies - no work!) So I was able to go running again. I am feeling pretty good about the running, and I hope to run my first 5k in July.

Yesterday was spent goofing off. 10am found us at the neighborhood pool with friends, 12noon - adoration chapel (OK we didn't goof off ALL day) then lunch at BK.... and then the 1:30 showing of CARS 2. I think I liked the movie more than Paul did. We got home and played on the Wii - Mario and StarWars. Dinner was out. Then Mark played Zelda until it was almost 10pm. I called in and requested low census and the 5:20 phone call was a welcome relief. I didn't sleep particularly well, and was glad to stay in bed until 8.

Now, I have to get myself outside to work on the yard - weeding flowerbeds and dead-heading the butterfly bushes. Also need to figure out how to contain my watermelon vines.

I may dance tonight, too.....

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Numbering the Days

OK, I have to say that Discovery Place Kids is my son's favorite museum to date.

And it is growing on me.

But I don't love it.

Sensory overload. There is lots to do.... it feels like too much at times, and it is all fun.

Today, there were too many kids there. The museum had at least two bus loads of summer camp kids arrive at about the same time we did. Note to self: go really early OR go after lunch. Summer campers arrived at 10:30 - museum opens at 9am - and they left around lunch time (12:30). So our afternoon - 1:30 - 4:45 was much easier.

Paul's favorite thing at the museum is the two story 'brick factory'. Foam bricks are transported by kid powered conveyor belt from the first to the second floor where a crane carries them across to a drop zone that brings them back down to the first floor. In theory a static sytem where no bricks are lost. Reality - bricks get lost in the gear works & on the floor of the crane loading area - overzealous kids overload the crane. And we got to see the brick factory opened up today to retrieve a large bin that somehow managed to get thrown in to the works! That was a alot of fun to watch adults scramble to fix what children had managed to mangle! Even Paul enjoyed watching adults work through the problem solving to fix the brick works.

The other perrenial favorite for Paul is the 'Apple Tree' a kid powered auger moves red balls(apples) up to a chute that delivers apples to a tree where kids pick the apples and place them back into the chute to be augered up to the top. Paul loves this thing. Every time. Unfortunately, he doesn't share his love with other children very well. He always wants to turn the crank. Or if he picks apples, he doesn't want other children to pick with him. Lots of competetive angst over this area. Ugh. Oh well, it's part of the age and the stage..... Side note, we also witnessed the apple tree auger being disassembled to retrieve random other items that gummed up the workes including plastic oranges, eggs and apples from the miniature marketplace next to the apple tree.

Today, we played at the water table for probably close to two hours...... Paul was drenched by the time we finished. He was building plumbing systems to turn a paddle wheel, directing sprayers to turn whirlygigs and generally having fun playing with water. I ended up grabbing a floor squeegie and cleaning up water as Paul played. I didn't care, it gave me something to do.

Cool thing: for the first time I can remember, a mom I cared for at the maternity center recognized me in real life outside the hospital and stopped to say hello. It was a positive experience. Thank goodness. I would have been really bummed if she had been unhappy with her maternity center experience (or my nursing care!).

At the end of the day, we played upstairs with the build a roller coaster toy and with the build your own race car sections.... Then it was downstairs for the end of the day sing a long. Paul looks forward to that sing along more than I understand. It's great, though, because at the end of the sing along, they announce that the museum is closed and Paul leaves without a struggle.

We drove to Chic-fil-A and bought ice cream cones on the way home - dessert first! And then I insisted on watching the news (why?) before any video games could be played. Mark came in at 7:10 and as soon as I finish this post, I am putting together leftovers for dinner (it's 7:30).....

All in all, it was a fun day. I am glad that I can spend time with Paul doing something NOT video-game related, and that he enjoys. I hope we can visit the museum again and enjoy a not so crowded day. Unfortunately, once school is in, I expect that every day will be crowded. Oh well.

Why do I feel like these Halcyon days of summer and small childhood are slipping through my fingers like sand? I don't feel like I am ready to have a school age child in my house, but it cannot be avoided. These days are numbered. There will be more fun ahead, but these carefree days are numbered.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Work - Life Balance

Today was a lovely day of work and play....

I worked from 7a-3p today at the Maternity Center. It was a lovely day with only 2 couplets that were both up for discharge. Both moms were super nice and the babies were good breastfeeders, so it was an easy breezy day. Except for the fact that we were waiting for peds to round and then it was a race to get out and I couldn't get them out quickly enough. Oh well, that is all part of life at times - hurry up and wait.

After work, I had a really good conversation with one of my mentors and shared my perception of lactation and recieved feedback as well. Looking forward to our staff meeting next week.

This evening was the first practice of the season for T-ball. Paul did well at the 6:30 practice, then we realized our practice time was 7:15. oops. So we stayed for the second practice. He had a good time, but two practices back to back took the stuffing out of him. Note to self: We need to practice hitting the ball again - methinks we will buy a tee to practice with.

Now we are trying to get showered and to bed... .I need sleep.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

video chat

Really, I love technology.
This evening I had my first video chat with my sister, Mary. It wasn't the greatest picture - Mary looked like she was a living flip book.... and she was pixilated, but the sound was good, and we could see each others' general expressions.

I also loathe technology.
Especially the type that lures you in and then makes you want to part with your money. As in, here is a free sample - with ads... if you want an ad-free version, pay money. Well, I am cheap. However, I have a five year old who believes that all ads are personally directed to him. If a Burger King ad comes on and says, "come to BK today to get soaked with your own Super Soaker" then he is going to pester me to go to BK TODAY, Not tomorrow, or next week, or sometime in the distant future. It has to be today! The advertising people have studied him carefully.

Mathblaster is the lastest conflict of this nature. It is a math based learning video game. Fun, cool graphics. Free. Until you want to play a game more than once on any given day. And then you have to become a member. Mark is busy asking Paul how he will put the money into the computer..... Paul is perplexed. I will only laugh until Paul tries to feed a silver dollar into the CD reader.

I think Paul realizes it will require a credit card, but he doesn't understand the value of what he is asking for.

How do I teach him not to be a gimmie gimmie gimmie sort of kid?

Well, I'd best run, I need to be awake for some more video chats tomorrow - hopefully with my cousin from Japan, or perhaps Sandra in Italy.... the possibilities are endless.



Back to daylight

I slept like a rock last night.

Yesterday, I slept from 9am until 11:40am when I got up to go to the adoration chapel. I have an hour on friday every week to sit and pray and think. I know I could get someone to cover the hour for me when I work on Thursday night, but I don't like to do that. I like to get up, to go to the chapel and sit for that hour in prayer. I am deliberate about it. Yesterday was spent praying for my co-worker Jeanne whose daughter has just been diagnosed with cancer. I also reviewed the daily mass readings for Friday and the mass readings for this upcoming Sunday. John 3:16 is coming up this weekend - one of the shortest, best, gospels of the year.

After being in the chapel for an hour, I drove home, chatted with one of my sisters for a few minutes and was back in bed by 1:30. Up at 3:35 to go get Paul. Not really awake. Functioning, but not on all cylinders. Succumbed to the voice of temptation for something cold and sweet.... I don't really want to know how many calories are in a McD's Mango Pineapple Smoothie..... I should have made my own at home. Collected Paul from the Paluszaks and came home to watch Paul fiddle around with the Star Wars on the Wii. Mark was late getting home, we ate Mexican food and then I was SO TIRED that I just collapsed as soon as we got home.

This morning Mark and I were up at 6:25 - oops, I forgot to turn off my daily alarm clock!

Paul joined me to snuggle at 8:40. We read some from Grimm's fairytales. Now battling getting dressed, going running? and doing laundry. So far, blogging has won out. May go to a handwork meeting today to knit. May go to a Charlotte Knights baseball game with fireworks afterwards. Unclear what today holds. But I do know I am awake for it, and that is a good thing!

Friday, June 17, 2011

Happiness Is.....

Being able to help a patient feel better quickly.

Sweet patient had a headache, I taught her husband how to do healing touch and her headache was relieved within minutes! And it stayed away the rest of the night. Hooray!

And it's nice when technology makes life easy - inflatable bottom support was too firm for a newly delivered bottom..... let the air out of the support - patient instantly felt relief! No meds required! I love being in a modern hospital with gadgets, gizmos and technology to make life easier!

Now, I need sleep!

Adoration time coming, too quickly....

Thursday, June 16, 2011

work and sleep

Today, I will sleep. Tonight I will work.
Do people actually do this?
Somehow, I find that I am actually someone who DOES this. And even though my body screams at me for hours before, and for a day or two afterwards, I actually LOVE what I do enough that I still do it!
I enjoy working with new moms and babies in a maternity center. I love teaching moms how to care for themselves and their new babies. I love coaching the couplet through the beginning of the dance of breastfeeding. I love being present to moms in the wee small hours of the morning, when the rest of the world is quiet and yet the baby is awake.
My hope is always that I am where God needs me to be. And if I am at work, that God would make my sleepless night productive.
Here's to being nocturnal. At least tonight.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Week 2, run 2

This morning I ran the second run for Week 2 again. It was a beautiful morning, not too hot, not too humid and I was able to run a little bit farther than I ran on Monday.... in the same amount of time. Goal 5K on August 7th.... I am one run closer.

The other cool thing about today - 9 years ago, I married Mark. It still sticks out in my mind as being a really great day. And these 9 years we have been blest with relatively good health and of course, with Paul. We celebrated our 9 years together by eating Pizza at lunch and seafood at dinner. No big celebration this year - but for our 10th, we are hoping to do something big....

Today, Paul and I finished reading Ralph S. Mouse. Paul and I both enjoyed the book. I read aloud, Paul listened, and we talked about it together. Next book: Runaway Ralph.

More soon.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Who needss to run?

When you have a new laptop! My DH got me a laptop as an anniversary present! Hooray for us! And there's a prize if you know how many years we have been married.... Well, there's not really a prize, but I'll know you're reading if you post a guess.

At any rate, we are doing well, and we are not really celebrating this anniversary in any particular way. I have to work, unless I get low census, and Mark has to work, so methinks we are not doing anything in particular. This year.

Summer reading started at the library yesterday. And while Paul and I did read together yesterday, today was a bust. Partially because we were fussing at each other over following directions and partially because I became a lump in a chair as soon as I had my hands on this keyboard. Also, I was obsessed with figuring out video chat with my sister, Mary, and was unsuccessful. Ugh. Perhaps tomorrow will yield better results.

Currently, I am reading Robinson Crusoe.
Paul is reading Ralph S. Mouse by Beverly Cleary
Mark is reading Sharpe's Devil

And I am planning to run early tomorrow, so I'd best get to bed or I won't be able to run!

Monday, June 13, 2011


summer is here.... and i have decided to try to run a 5k on august 7th. if it comes together, i will run it in nyc with my sister mary.
also, i want to write more, and more often.
running, prayer, lactation, life in general will be on tap.