Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Dragon Boy and other pictures

Here are a few more pics of Paul.....

Paul as a Dragon attacking the refridgerator!!!!

These were taken this past Saturday afternoon outside in our back yard...

Paul was quite happy to scoot around the deck And climb up and down the stairs
Yes - that is the look of pure concentration - not constipation! ..............

And he is so proud he made it down the stair without falling off the stairs! Sunday afternoon, he was watching me clean out the guest room in preparation for Christmas.... there is a low plastic box he is sitting on - the angle didn't do it justice. Yes, he is climbing UP to sit on things like boxes, chairs, anything that won't move when he pounces!

We are looking forward to Christmas and the family visiting.

More pics soon,


Wednesday, October 31, 2007

The Dragon Boy!

Happy Halloween!



Friday, October 26, 2007

Beach Pictures

Paul, Mark and I went to the beach in October, here are some pictures..... Paul wasn't too sure what to think of the sand or surf.

He contemplated water while keeping himself out of it.....

Note: Feet are off the ground as much as possible....

Now - the sand is OK.....

We had sand in places I didn't know existed!

P.S. I am STILL that pale... may need to take some Vitamin D, my sunscreen works really well!

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Life, the world and everything at the moment

I was able to attend the 3rd Annual Eucharistic Congress in Charlotte this weekend past. Mark and Paul stayed home together. The congress was beautiful - I was especially moved by the closing mass - there were probably 50 priests and 10 or more deacons! And Bishop Jugis gave a beautiful message. I am so glad I was able to attend.

In other news - I will have my 3rd! interview for the mother/baby nursery this coming Friday - I hope I get the position.... it would be great to work with breastfeeding mothers most of the time, rather than just once in a while.

Paul is still teething in a big way. Poor boy is miserable. Hoping this will pass soon.

Thanks for reading - will try to post more pictures and info going forward.

Friday, September 7, 2007


Paul has come into a full set of teeth on top - rather quickly. Very grouchy boy these days - esp. in the evening. Face very tender - won't allow a face wipe after a meal without a fight! No teeth or molars on the bottom beyond the front four yet. If they are anything like previous teeth, it won't be long.
Will try to capture his pearly whites on film soon.

Friday, August 31, 2007

Language development

Paul is starting to sign....
He consistently signs for "more", and is starting to sign for "finished" and for "milk". Today when he was playing on the floor with some items, he started reaching his fingers into one of the containers and then pinching his thumb and index finger together and putting them in his mouth, as if he was tasting something. I read that as a sign for hunger - he ate well, soon after.
He's getting to the point of understanding many words too, especially 'no'. The last few days, his goal in life has been to control the TV. He scoots over and tries to turn the TV off, on, or change the volume/channel before anyone notices. When he gets close to his goal, we tell him "Paul, no" and he looks at us, then back at the TV. If Mark or I get up, he lunges for the buttons before we can move him away from the TV. It is quite amusing, but rather annoying.
Will try to capture some of this on film before too long.

Sunday, August 19, 2007


Paul, waving at his cousin Miriam.....
Miriam has Paul's truck and Paul has Miriam's bebe

These two had a great time together in June - nothing like Grandma and Grandpa's house to have fun!

Birthday Cake

Paul - Destroying Birthday Cake

After the Cake................

Birthday Pics - Long overdue

Here are some pictures of Paul's big 1st birthday party.... All family, all fun!
Anticpation of the cake....

Paul's own cake

Enjoying chocolate cake......

He didn't eat the cake, but he enjoyed destroying it!

Friday, August 17, 2007

Kate's Graduation

I am late getting these pictures and thoughts online..... Graduation was May 20th and here it is August already! We were in Potsdam NY from May 17th to the 23rd. We being the entire Thornburg, Munday, Welsh Family. We stayed in two 'cottages' one was a postage stamp disguised as a cabin, the other was fairly spacious but odd in its own special sort of way.
The weather was crummy for most of the week, but we had a good time with each other and Kate has graduated from college and we were all there to celebrate with her!
Enjoy the pics!

This is the medal stand at the ski-jump in Lake Placid. We are standing in birth order - Me(1), Susan(2), and Mary(3). Paul is peeking around my shoulder.

This is the ski-jump, where the skiier leaves the earth to jump off the cliff! And then land below! Mary suspects that alcohol was involved in the invention of this sport.

Kate and one of her friends at graduation
Susan, Miriam and Paul

Portland Trip

Here are some pics from my cousin Cecil's wedding - we had a great time!

The handsome groom, my cousin Cecil.

Cecil and Kate cut the cake!

Mark and Paul share a quiet moment

Uncle George - it was a very happy day!

Mommy's Little Helper

I was folding laundry, when Paul decided to 'help' me out.... I nearly cried laughing. Yes, those are undergarments on his head and around his neck. He did it himself.

Monday, July 30, 2007

Another excellent breastfeeding article

Firing Line:

East, west, Mom is best
Tony Zacharia
Sunday News; Sunday,July 29, 2007 @00:03

You are on a bus heading to a leisure destination. After the hustles or packing and checking in and boarding, you are glad to be on the way. The journey is progressing smoothly save for occasional bumps here and there. So far so good you think. You decide to take a little nap. Half an hour nap a day helps to keep the doctor away.

You wish you could do this nap thing at work. Just when you were dosing off, a screeching sound brings you back from slumber land to the land of the unexpected. A horror movie is unfolding right in front of your eyes.

The bus has left the road for the bush and is heading for a tree. Frightened passengers are screaming, calling their mothers and God in languages you did not know existed. The bus underside hits something with a thump then the whole bus groans as it is brought to an unceremonious stop a few metres from the tree. You are still alive. Someone is still calling mama. Maybe he is hurt.

Why do men, women and children turn to their mother’s names in times of distress? Maybe mothers are comfort and protection. From the womb to the tomb a mother is a safe sanctuary, family food security and the one who makes the house a home. No offence intended to all super dads, but to every child, there is no one like mom. And to every mother, we remain forever children in their hearts.

It is all in the milk you know. Man can build space stations and fly into the stratosphere but will all the machines and technology, only a mother can breastfeed her child. Something no daddy can. Golfing legends or today can bottle feed their super offspring and spend sleepless nights changing diapers. That only makes them TV superstar daddies.

The emotional bond with mothers comes from latching too long onto mom’s breast at infancy. Experts tell us that mother’s milk is the drink of intelligence. That breast fed babies generally have a higher intelligence quotient or IQ than if they were fed cow’s milk. If you want bullish intelligence then start cow’s milk from birth.

Maybe children fed cow’s milk have regular IQ. But they might have become geniuses if they had the benefit of mother’s milk, whose composition differs with the age of the baby. That may explain why many children from bottle-loving countries seem so aggressive like bulls. When the breast feeding rate is five percent and bottle feeding with modified cow’s milk in aluminium cans is 95 percent, everyone wants to play Rambo the macho person and girls are called guys.

In the land of opportunity where Osama is public enemy numero uno, breastfeeding is uh, something poor folks do, a third world phenomenon unfit for modern consumerist societies of gender equality and individual freedom. I tell you solemnly, if God had wanted human babies to drink cow’s milk, he would have doubled the size of the cow’s udder.

Mother comes home from work, tired but happy to be home. The priceless bundle of joy called Junior crawls sits with hands outstretched, ready to be lifted to mama’s warm embrace. Mama finds a seat of comfort, positions child on lap and offers early dinner to eager lips. Mama looks into child’s eyes and child stares back at mama in happy contentment.

Only the breast feeding position allows this unique communication between child and mother. A mother who has frequent births denies the children full enjoyment of the bonding and protection offered by her milk. Many older children who may or may not have missed out long for a return to mama’s natural bottles, bottles that require no sterilisation and milk that needs no warming. Too bad big boys and girls because once you grow up, no more breast juice.

A child who is breast fed well for the recommended one to two years gains protection from allergies and infections such as those of bugs that cause diarrhoea. For a naturally free nutrient available from the best possible source, breast milk is pretty cool as generation X former toddlers would say.

Why am I going on and on about the stuff paediatricians worth their salt call ‘the child’s best start in life’? In the good old days, the first week of August was commemorated worldwide as the World Breastfeeding Week. The whole world did not go on a campaign to breast feed only during this week, which would have been great if they did.

Mothers in the Philippines tried recently to break the record of highest number of women breastfeeding simultaneously in one public place. In Australia, a colleague was booed for breastfeeding her child in a restaurant. Isn’t a restaurant the best eating place? Apparently she was perceived as being – believe it or not – indecent.

We can try here too to have a breastfeeding marathon because most Tanzanian and African mothers breastfeed by default. We need to promote the intelligence benefit so they do it to make their offspring potential academic achievers. With breast milk your child will need less or no extra tuition. It is the best investment for the economic future of new generations.

Have a nice Sunday. and

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

I can't wait for the new (final) HP book!

Lilypie Next Birthday TickerLilypie Next Birthday Ticker

Home Again

Today, Paul and I had a good day. We both got lots of things done. Paul napped in the morning, freeing me up to rescue the green chair from its heavy load. Then we went to the library for toddler time.... if Paul ever starts toddling, he'll fit right in! We ran errands to the book store (Ordered Harry Potter's final installment due out 21July) I'll have to start a ticker! And went to Sam's to get a car seat, milk and meat.
In the afternoon, we went for his one year physical - he weighs 22lbs, 12oz and is 30 inches tall. 4 More inches and he'll be tall enough for the new forward facing car seat that we bought today. Paul did really well with the physical and didn't really scream too horribly with the 3 shots - I hate when he becomes a pin-cushion. Surprisingly he didn't cry AT ALL when they pricked him to draw blood for a CBC. I was shocked! He was fascinated watching the blood come out of his finger. Odd child. Definately mine!
Anyway, we are home from New York last week..... We had a great time at my sister Kate's graduation. It was super to be with the whole family, although I must admit that seven days of family togetherness was about my limit. Paul and Miriam did quite well together, although at this point, they barely acknowledge each other's existence. Paul hit Miriam on the head at first encouter, Miriam cried. Paul took Miriam's BB whenever he could reach it, Miriam worked at grabbing BB back. Miriam learned from Paul that remote controls and telephones are desirable objects, worth crying for.
We had a great time toodling around Upper New York - Potsdam and Lake Placid. And we traveled to Ottawa where we saw a tulip festival and walked all over the unscenic side of the city. We had a great time. I'll post pics soon.
More soon,

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Why Breastfeed?

Milk of Kindness
Breastfeeding helps babies learn to love not just their mothers, but God.
By Juli Loesch Wiley
If God Almighty came to you and said, “I myself have designed a special food that will strengthen your baby’s body and develop his brain, which will comfort him and cheer his heart, and lay the foundation for his lifetime health and well-being. I have given this food into your keeping; I have placed it in your body; it is my loving provision for your child”—who would reply, “No thanks, no divine gifts, I’d rather give him a can of Similac”?
Personally embodied nourishment is not only good for the body; it is good for the soul. It is (as some Christians would put it) proto-sacramental.Mother’s milk promotes sanctity? From the infant’s point of view, yes. Look at it this way. What are we here for? What is the purpose of human life? It is “to know, love, and serve God in this world, and to be happy with him in the next.” It is to love and to be loved.And how do young humans learn to love? One would think this would be one of the core concerns of theology: studying, with sustained attention, on our knees, the process by which a child learns to give and receive love.How does the child learn love? Where are the foundations laid? At his mother’s breast.
According to the research brought together in Fr. William Virtue’s philosophically rich and cheering book, Mother and Infant, breastfeeding teaches the tiniest infant some immensely important lessons: (1) that the universe is good; (2) that he has personal power: the power to elicit a response; and (3) that his deepest needs and appetites can be satisfied in a committed relationship with one loving person.
Did I say “the universe”? From the infant’s point of view, yes. The newborn’s sight, generally hazy and undefined, is designed to come to a focus at one specific distance: 8 to 12 inches, not much more and not less. Why 8 to 12 inches? Because that’s the distance from a nursling’s eyes to his mother’s face while he is being cradled at her breast. Increasingly, within weeks of birth, he’s not looking at her breast. He’s looking at her eyes.She fills his whole range of vision; she satisfies his hunger and thirst, succors him with warmth and comfort; the timbre of her voice (the higher female tone) is precisely the range of frequencies his ears are fine-tuned to hear. She is his universe: To the nursling, she is the Immensity.
Breastfeeding is not just a connection between a mammary gland and an alimentary canal.
It is a relationship of a person to a person. It is not just nutritive. It is unitive. If it is wrong deliberately to sunder the unitive and procreative powers via contraception—and I am convinced it is—then I would also argue that there is something wrong about separating the unitive and the nutritive powers via the artificial bottle-feeding of the young infant.I don’t say that every use of a baby bottle is intrinsically immoral, as a contraceptive is. What I do say is that if a mother knows the physical and spiritual benefit of nourishing her baby at the breast, knows that her child has a right to her milk as a proto-sacramental gift of embodied love, and is able to nurse (even at a considerable personal sacrifice)—but chooses not to—she has greatly wronged her child.And if a woman does not know about breastfeeding, or is made incapable of doing so by grave familial or social or economic pressure, then, in her education or in her circumstances, she has been greatly wronged.“It is thou, God, who took me from the womb, And kept me safe upon my mother’s breasts” So says the Psalmist (22:9), speaking prophetically of the divine care and protection to be enjoyed by the Messiah. And what mother, loving her own baby, would want it any other way?

Sunday, April 22, 2007

New Hat, Swinging at the Park

Today we went to the park. Paul went in the swing for the first time and loved it.

Note too: the hat is a handmade by me :)

Saturday, April 21, 2007

First Teeth

Paul has his first tooth, and a second one is close!
The first tooth is visble, the second one can be felt - both can leave a mark if you are brave (or silly) enough to stick your finger in!

Friday, April 13, 2007

Spring is Upon Us.........

Paul is getting bigger by the day! Here are some pictures from over the last couple of months....
The most recent first and then some to fill in the gaps since the last posting.

The "patriotic" sweater is from my Aunt Bern - I had almost forgotten it and then we had a cool day in March and I went looking for something to put on Paul. It just fit, so I had to snap some pictures!

This is Mr Bright Eyes! watching what is going on in the room - he's very observant.

And when he gets excited, he is into waving his arms!

Over Easter weekend, we had family down on Saturday for lunch and then spent Easter Sunday with my family. Paul is getting so big! And cute! These are some pictures from Easter.... we had him all dressed up on Sunday in pants, a golf shirt and a vest.

We've started sliding him up to the table to eat now... Paul still eats lots of the 'usual' baby food, but has started eating regular food run through a grinder - today he ate turkey, broccoli and mashed potato in a white sauce - he really liked it. Yesterday he was eating Mexican skillet rice - a spicy dish with rice, ground chicken, chili powder, jalapeno peppers and pinto beans. He acted a bit surprised with the first bite, but then was ready for as much as I was willing to give him! I am so glad I don't have a picky eater.... although I have noticed he saves room for sweets - we had pistachio cake on Sunday and on Monday evening, when he was refusing all baby food, he opened wide for cake! Go figure! I wonder what his birthday is going to be like?!?

More soon,

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Paul is getting bigger

Here is a picture of Paul in my favorite little sleeper - the duck sleeper that Beth gave to him. I am sad because he has grown out of it - we decided to pass it onto Miriam..... I can't believe when we first put him in it he could draw his feet up to his body out of the legs - and now, we can hardly zip him up!
In the next picture - Paul is clapping hand while sitting on Aunt Mary's lap