The most recent first and then some to fill in the gaps since the last posting.
The "patriotic" sweater is from my Aunt Bern - I had almost forgotten it and then we had a cool day in March and I went looking for something to put on Paul. It just fit, so I had to snap some pictures!
And when he gets excited, he is into waving his arms!
Over Easter weekend, we had family down on Saturday for lunch and then spent Easter Sunday with my family. Paul is getting so big! And cute! These are some pictures from Easter.... we had him all dressed up on Sunday in pants, a golf shirt and a vest.
We've started sliding him up to the table to eat now... Paul still eats lots of the 'usual' baby food, but has started eating regular food run through a grinder - today he ate turkey, broccoli and mashed potato in a white sauce - he really liked it. Yesterday he was eating Mexican skillet rice - a spicy dish with rice, ground chicken, chili powder, jalapeno peppers and pinto beans. He acted a bit surprised with the first bite, but then was ready for as much as I was willing to give him! I am so glad I don't have a picky eater.... although I have noticed he saves room for sweets - we had pistachio cake on Sunday and on Monday evening, when he was refusing all baby food, he opened wide for cake! Go figure! I wonder what his birthday is going to be like?!?
More soon,
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