Tuesday, October 23, 2012


I just read a great post about distraction generated by the electronic life we so often lead.  I read it here:

I know the post was about her children expericening instant messages during the school day, but I really related to it.  I cannot imagine how I would function if I had a smart phone near me when I was in school.  I know, I had a phone when I was in nursing school, but I always had it turned off during class (how TERRIFIED I was of it ringing during a lecture!)  But now, my smart phone has practically become a personal appendage!  I cringe when I have to leave it in my locker at work.  I fret when I leave it at home by accident.  And the people who love me, who know I am accessable at any hour, positively freak out if my phone battery dies and I cannot be reached.  It is odd, that not so long ago, a phone number was associated with a location, ie home or work, now it is associated with a PERSON, and we wonder at what age a person NEEDS to have a phone at his/her disposal.

Not wanting to confess my electronic addiction online (would that even make any sense?) I will just say that I am pretty sure I am way to connected to my cell phone and if I had any courage at all, I would limit its use.  I am lacking that courage.  It is way too easy to use my phone for facebook, skype, email and instant messaging.  I don't text and drive, although I have been known to check FB at red lights, google traffic conditions while stuck in traffic jams, and talk on the cellphone without a blue-tooth device.  I suppose I should get a bluetooth, but then I think I would ALWAYS talk on the phone.

In my defense, I will say that my cell phone has never kept me out of mass.... I had a dear friend who quit going to Sunday mass for a time because he couldn't bear to part with his beloved blackberry for the hour of mass!  Aye Carumba!

I do think though that I need to impose usage hours on my smart phone though - I suspect I might get more done and be less distracted doing it!  If I succeed, I will be sure to write about it.


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